Monday, 24 February 2025

Zoya Naturel 6 bottle and swatch stick comparisons

Hi Friends

Today I'm sharing my colour comparisons for the new Naturel 6 collection from Zoya, these will purely be colour comparisons as this finish is not something Zoya has done a lot of, infact the only other polishes are Opal and Inez.

As always if youre new, I take my photos in natural daylight, I dont colour correct, merely crop and add my watermark.

The new polish is always first left.  The new polishes are 

Avalon, Cleo, Dulcie, Nadine, Scotti and Winslet.

First up Scotti compared to April and Sutton, I would say April is the closet colour. Scotti is sheer to allow the flakies to show.

Left to right Scotti and Cleo, you can see Cleo is much brighter and more pink toned than Scotti but the flakies are the same.  Edit This is of course Opal compared to Scotti.

Left to right Avalon, Tweedy and Shelby, Avalon is slightly brighter than Tweedy and Shelby.

Left to right Cleo, Palmer and Shannon, Palmer is very close to the base of Cleo, these will make a great combo, wear one coat of Palmer with Cleo over to boost the opacity, or do accent nails of Cleo with Palmer or Shannon. I wore Cleo over the weekend, pics at the end.

Left ot right Dulcie, Carson and Kinsley, Carson has the closest base colour, either of these paired with Dulcie would make a gorgeous manicure.

Left to right Winslet, Joni and Remington, I would say the closest is Joni for base colour.

Lastly left to right Nadine, Maggie and Hera, this is slightly out of order because I could Not find Maggie, I spent over an hour going through polishes, I finally had to take down each row and go through them that way and finally I found her. I think probably Maggie is the closest to Nadines base colour.

There we go, I got these on Friday along with a Fancy Gloss order so I decided I would wear Cleo and Fancy Gloss Bubblegum Bliss together for the next few days and they paired beautifully, the cold state of Bubblegum Bliss is a similar tone to Cleo, I was warm when I took the photos. You can see the cold state in the bottle shot.



  1. Oooh, pretty! It's so interesting to see what colours are similar and how. I love your ideas for combos—I like to do a French tip of a sparkly colour over a cream polish in a similar shade and some of these would be great for that! Just a small thing: on the second photo, you've written Scotti and Cleo, but the photo says Scotti and Opal. As always, enjoyed this!! :)

    1. Oh! well caught, yeah it is Opal because she has the same flakie combo lol I'll put a edit note, good catch! My brain was a little fried because it took so long to find Maggie.

    2. No worries! Isn't it funny how sometimes we "lose" colours?! I've had it happen to me with India and Sarah—for some reason I always think India is a lighter, brighter red and grab Sarah!

    3. For me it was just that I couldnt fix the colour Maggie was in my head so I couldnt work out which section of the wall to look in, but India and Teigan and Sarah and Carrie-Ann do that too!

    4. Red is a tricky colour! You can do a lot with it (warm, cool, orange, pink), but it's always still red! Not like green or something, where there is a lot of variation but it's always still *green*. You'd never confuse, say, Lacey and Merida, but even though Rashida and Alix are different, they're still very similar! (Hope that makes sense!)

    5. Oh yes, red is just so tricky, too many undertones and it sometimes hates being photographed properly, looking at you Stella, its very obvious when I look at my wall racks with the reds, they all blend from light to dark but they dont stand out like the greens or blues.

    6. Yes, exactly!! I'm so jealous of your wall! 😁

    7. The hubby and I are talking about the wall, because they are acrylic racks I need more but we think we might think about trying to make something because I need way more room for them all, I have 3! full helmer drawers of Zoya that are not on the wall.

    8. Oh, wow!! Did I mention I'm jealous?! I only have around 50 Zoyas—but I spend a lot of time arranging (and rearranging) them in colour order. You must have a lot of fun with your wall!

    9. Yeah although I have not added any for about a year because no space, but yeah they look so good because they are all Zoya :) they are very pleasing to look at :)

    10. My collection is purely Zoya too, in large part because they look so good all together in matching bottles! 😁🌈

    11. Yeah I do collect Fancy Gloss and I have a ton of other polish but Zoya just stole my heart and they are the largest brand I have at 840 bottles,

    12. Wow, 840!! Out of 1251, that's amazing! I'm so glad you share them on your blog 😁
